
Application Timeline

  • February 1st: Apply to Linfield University and Pre-apply to the RC Hill Trust to determine eligibility

  • March 15: Submit full application to RC Hill Trust Scholarship

  • March 30: RC Hill Scholarship recipients announced

  • April 15th: Scholarship acceptance

Scholarship Fee Deadlines

There is no application fee but if you are awarded the scholarship you must pay a fee to administer the scholarships for each term you attend. This makes it possible for the work of the Trust to continue.  

  • Fall Term 1st: $1500 due by August 1st

  • Jan Term: $500 due by December 1st

  • Spring Term: $1500 due by January 1st

  • Summer Term: $800 due by May 1st

January and Summer Term Attendance

The RC Hill tuition scholarship may be used for Jan Term and Summer Term. There will be no housing benefits for these terms. If you plan to attend either of these terms you must notify both the Trust and Linfield University 60 days in advance of the term.

November 1st: Notification for Jan Term

April 1st: Notification for Summer Term